- To install Node.js, type this in Terminal:
brew install node
Node Version Manager
To install Node Version Manager, type this in Terminal:
brew install nvm
After the installation, type the followings in Terminal:
mkdir ~/.nvm export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" . "/usr/local/opt/nvm/"
Install a particular Node.js version
- To find all version with their LTS status:
Install Node LTS 6.9.2
- Type this in Terminal:
nvm install 6.9.2
Global Node Packages
These are the packages I use during Node.js development. Feel free to adjust that suit your coding taste.
- npmlist - Pretty npm list
- Grunt - JavaScript Task Runner
- gitbook-cli - GitBook's command line interface
- Bunyan - Simple and fast JSON logging module for Node.js
- PM2 - Process manager for Node.js applications with a built-in load balancer
- webpack - Takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules
- express-generator - Express application generator
- nodemon - For use during development of a Node.js based application
- beanmaster - Beanstalk Console
- harp - Static web server with built in preprocessing
- mocha - JavaScript test framework
- ngrok - Secure tunnels to localhost
- node-uuid - Simple, fast generation of RFC4122 UUIDS
- prettyjson - Formatting JSON data in a coloured YAML-style
- sort-json - Takes a json-file and return a copy of the same file, but sorted
- grunt-init - Scaffolding tool used to automate project creation
- artillery - Load-testing for HTTP and WebSocket-based applications
- hercule - Markdown, API Blueprint and string transclusion
- npm-check - Check for outdated, incorrect, and unused dependencies
Install all the above Node packages at once, type this in Terminal:
npm install -g npmlist grunt-cli gitbook-cli bunyan pm2 webpack express-generator nodemon beanmaster harp mocha ngrok node-uuid prettyjson sort-json grunt-init artillery hercule npm-check